Calvary Church Ballina is a church that is deeply connected with both the local community and living word of God. We believe that the gospel is essential and is good news for all people, in all places. So we strive to live it out and make it known to others. We believe that serving Jesus and living as Christians happens best when we do it together, so we have a strong emphasis on being in real community with one another. We began meeting in a living room in 2011 and have grown to be a group of adults and children from a mixture of backgrounds, places and life situations.
We meet each Sunday at 11am in the Ballina Family Resource Centre for a relaxed gathering. During this time we chat, sing, pray and open the bible together (with sermons that explain and apply a passage of scripture). During the gathering, there is a children’s programme for those aged 0-10. We also meet during the week in various homes for times of prayer and bible study.